DIG 1.1 XMLBeans API, April 22, 2004 (05:20 PM)


AllConceptNamesDocument - interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.AllConceptNamesDocument.
A document containing one allConceptNames(@http://dl.kr.org/dig/2003/02/lang) element.
AllConceptNamesDocument.Factory - class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.AllConceptNamesDocument.Factory.
A factory class with static methods for creating instances of this type.
AllConceptNamesDocumentImpl - class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AllConceptNamesDocumentImpl.
A document containing one allConceptNames(@http://dl.kr.org/dig/2003/02/lang) element.
AllConceptNamesDocumentImpl(SchemaType) - Constructor for class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AllConceptNamesDocumentImpl
AllDocument - interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.AllDocument.
A document containing one all(@http://dl.kr.org/dig/2003/02/lang) element.
AllDocument.Factory - class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.AllDocument.Factory.
A factory class with static methods for creating instances of this type.
AllDocumentImpl - class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AllDocumentImpl.
A document containing one all(@http://dl.kr.org/dig/2003/02/lang) element.
AllDocumentImpl(SchemaType) - Constructor for class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AllDocumentImpl
AllIndividualsDocument - interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.AllIndividualsDocument.
A document containing one allIndividuals(@http://dl.kr.org/dig/2003/02/lang) element.
AllIndividualsDocument.Factory - class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.AllIndividualsDocument.Factory.
A factory class with static methods for creating instances of this type.
AllIndividualsDocumentImpl - class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AllIndividualsDocumentImpl.
A document containing one allIndividuals(@http://dl.kr.org/dig/2003/02/lang) element.
AllIndividualsDocumentImpl(SchemaType) - Constructor for class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AllIndividualsDocumentImpl
AllRoleNamesDocument - interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.AllRoleNamesDocument.
A document containing one allRoleNames(@http://dl.kr.org/dig/2003/02/lang) element.
AllRoleNamesDocument.Factory - class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.AllRoleNamesDocument.Factory.
A factory class with static methods for creating instances of this type.
AllRoleNamesDocumentImpl - class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AllRoleNamesDocumentImpl.
A document containing one allRoleNames(@http://dl.kr.org/dig/2003/02/lang) element.
AllRoleNamesDocumentImpl(SchemaType) - Constructor for class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AllRoleNamesDocumentImpl
AncestorsDocument - interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.AncestorsDocument.
A document containing one ancestors(@http://dl.kr.org/dig/2003/02/lang) element.
AncestorsDocument.Factory - class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.AncestorsDocument.Factory.
A factory class with static methods for creating instances of this type.
AncestorsDocumentImpl - class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AncestorsDocumentImpl.
A document containing one ancestors(@http://dl.kr.org/dig/2003/02/lang) element.
AncestorsDocumentImpl(SchemaType) - Constructor for class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AncestorsDocumentImpl
AndDocument - interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.AndDocument.
A document containing one and(@http://dl.kr.org/dig/2003/02/lang) element.
AndDocument.Factory - class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.AndDocument.Factory.
A factory class with static methods for creating instances of this type.
AndDocumentImpl - class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AndDocumentImpl.
A document containing one and(@http://dl.kr.org/dig/2003/02/lang) element.
AndDocumentImpl(SchemaType) - Constructor for class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AndDocumentImpl
Ask - interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Ask.
An XML ask(@http://dl.kr.org/dig/2003/02/lang).
Ask.Factory - class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Ask.Factory.
A factory class with static methods for creating instances of this type.
AskImpl - class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AskImpl.
An XML ask(@http://dl.kr.org/dig/2003/02/lang).
AskImpl(SchemaType) - Constructor for class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AskImpl
AsksDocument - interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.AsksDocument.
A document containing one asks(@http://dl.kr.org/dig/2003/02/lang) element.
AsksDocument.Asks - interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.AsksDocument.Asks.
An XML asks(@http://dl.kr.org/dig/2003/02/lang).
AsksDocument.Asks.Factory - class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.AsksDocument.Asks.Factory.
A factory class with static methods for creating instances of this type.
AsksDocument.Factory - class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.AsksDocument.Factory.
A factory class with static methods for creating instances of this type.
AsksDocumentImpl - class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AsksDocumentImpl.
A document containing one asks(@http://dl.kr.org/dig/2003/02/lang) element.
AsksDocumentImpl(SchemaType) - Constructor for class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AsksDocumentImpl
AsksDocumentImpl.AsksImpl - class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AsksDocumentImpl.AsksImpl.
An XML asks(@http://dl.kr.org/dig/2003/02/lang).
AsksDocumentImpl.AsksImpl(SchemaType) - Constructor for class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AsksDocumentImpl.AsksImpl
AtleastDocument - interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.AtleastDocument.
A document containing one atleast(@http://dl.kr.org/dig/2003/02/lang) element.
AtleastDocument.Factory - class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.AtleastDocument.Factory.
A factory class with static methods for creating instances of this type.
AtleastDocumentImpl - class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AtleastDocumentImpl.
A document containing one atleast(@http://dl.kr.org/dig/2003/02/lang) element.
AtleastDocumentImpl(SchemaType) - Constructor for class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AtleastDocumentImpl
AtmostDocument - interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.AtmostDocument.
A document containing one atmost(@http://dl.kr.org/dig/2003/02/lang) element.
AtmostDocument.Factory - class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.AtmostDocument.Factory.
A factory class with static methods for creating instances of this type.
AtmostDocumentImpl - class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AtmostDocumentImpl.
A document containing one atmost(@http://dl.kr.org/dig/2003/02/lang) element.
AtmostDocumentImpl(SchemaType) - Constructor for class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AtmostDocumentImpl
AttributeDocument - interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.AttributeDocument.
A document containing one attribute(@http://dl.kr.org/dig/2003/02/lang) element.
AttributeDocument.Factory - class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.AttributeDocument.Factory.
A factory class with static methods for creating instances of this type.
AttributeDocumentImpl - class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AttributeDocumentImpl.
A document containing one attribute(@http://dl.kr.org/dig/2003/02/lang) element.
AttributeDocumentImpl(SchemaType) - Constructor for class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AttributeDocumentImpl
AttributeType - interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.AttributeType.
An XML attributeType(@http://dl.kr.org/dig/2003/02/lang).
AttributeType.Factory - class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.AttributeType.Factory.
A factory class with static methods for creating instances of this type.
AttributeTypeImpl - class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AttributeTypeImpl.
An XML attributeType(@http://dl.kr.org/dig/2003/02/lang).
AttributeTypeImpl(SchemaType) - Constructor for class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AttributeTypeImpl
Axiom - interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Axiom.
An XML axiom(@http://dl.kr.org/dig/2003/02/lang).
Axiom.Factory - class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Axiom.Factory.
A factory class with static methods for creating instances of this type.
AxiomImpl - class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AxiomImpl.
An XML axiom(@http://dl.kr.org/dig/2003/02/lang).
AxiomImpl(SchemaType) - Constructor for class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AxiomImpl
Axioms - interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Axioms.
An XML axioms(@http://dl.kr.org/dig/2003/02/lang).
Axioms.Factory - class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Axioms.Factory.
A factory class with static methods for creating instances of this type.
AxiomsImpl - class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AxiomsImpl.
An XML axioms(@http://dl.kr.org/dig/2003/02/lang).
AxiomsImpl(SchemaType) - Constructor for class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AxiomsImpl
addNewAll() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.AllDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "all" element
addNewAll() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Concept
Appends and returns a new empty "all" element
addNewAll() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ConceptPair
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "all" element
addNewAll() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Concepts
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "all" element
addNewAll() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InstanceDocument.Instance
Appends and returns a new empty "all" element
addNewAll() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InstanceofDocument.Instanceof
Appends and returns a new empty "all" element
addNewAll() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RoleConceptPair
Appends and returns a new empty "all" element
addNewAll() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Language
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "all" element
addNewAll() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AllDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "all" element
addNewAll() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "all" element
addNewAll() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptPairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "all" element
addNewAll() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "all" element
addNewAll() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InstanceDocumentImpl.InstanceImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "all" element
addNewAll() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InstanceofDocumentImpl.InstanceofImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "all" element
addNewAll() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RoleConceptPairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "all" element
addNewAll() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.LanguageImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "all" element
addNewAllConceptNames() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.AllConceptNamesDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "allConceptNames" element
addNewAllConceptNames() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Ask
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "allConceptNames" element
addNewAllConceptNames() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Ask
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "allConceptNames" element
addNewAllConceptNames() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AllConceptNamesDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "allConceptNames" element
addNewAllConceptNames() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AskImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "allConceptNames" element
addNewAllConceptNames() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.AskImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "allConceptNames" element
addNewAllIndividuals() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.AllIndividualsDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "allIndividuals" element
addNewAllIndividuals() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Ask
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "allIndividuals" element
addNewAllIndividuals() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Ask
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "allIndividuals" element
addNewAllIndividuals() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AllIndividualsDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "allIndividuals" element
addNewAllIndividuals() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AskImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "allIndividuals" element
addNewAllIndividuals() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.AskImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "allIndividuals" element
addNewAllRoleNames() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.AllRoleNamesDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "allRoleNames" element
addNewAllRoleNames() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Ask
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "allRoleNames" element
addNewAllRoleNames() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Ask
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "allRoleNames" element
addNewAllRoleNames() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AllRoleNamesDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "allRoleNames" element
addNewAllRoleNames() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AskImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "allRoleNames" element
addNewAllRoleNames() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.AskImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "allRoleNames" element
addNewAncestors() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.AncestorsDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "ancestors" element
addNewAncestors() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Ask
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "ancestors" element
addNewAncestors() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Ask
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "ancestors" element
addNewAncestors() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AncestorsDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "ancestors" element
addNewAncestors() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AskImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "ancestors" element
addNewAncestors() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.AskImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "ancestors" element
addNewAnd() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.AndDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "and" element
addNewAnd() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Concept
Appends and returns a new empty "and" element
addNewAnd() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ConceptPair
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "and" element
addNewAnd() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Concepts
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "and" element
addNewAnd() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InstanceDocument.Instance
Appends and returns a new empty "and" element
addNewAnd() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InstanceofDocument.Instanceof
Appends and returns a new empty "and" element
addNewAnd() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RoleConceptPair
Appends and returns a new empty "and" element
addNewAnd() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Language
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "and" element
addNewAnd() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AndDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "and" element
addNewAnd() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "and" element
addNewAnd() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptPairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "and" element
addNewAnd() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "and" element
addNewAnd() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InstanceDocumentImpl.InstanceImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "and" element
addNewAnd() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InstanceofDocumentImpl.InstanceofImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "and" element
addNewAnd() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RoleConceptPairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "and" element
addNewAnd() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.LanguageImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "and" element
addNewAsk() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType
Appends and returns a new empty "ask" element
addNewAsk() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "ask" element
addNewAsks() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.AsksDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "asks" element
addNewAsks() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AsksDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "asks" element
addNewAtleast() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.AtleastDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "atleast" element
addNewAtleast() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Concept
Appends and returns a new empty "atleast" element
addNewAtleast() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ConceptPair
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "atleast" element
addNewAtleast() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Concepts
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "atleast" element
addNewAtleast() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InstanceDocument.Instance
Appends and returns a new empty "atleast" element
addNewAtleast() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InstanceofDocument.Instanceof
Appends and returns a new empty "atleast" element
addNewAtleast() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RoleConceptPair
Appends and returns a new empty "atleast" element
addNewAtleast() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Language
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "atleast" element
addNewAtleast() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AtleastDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "atleast" element
addNewAtleast() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "atleast" element
addNewAtleast() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptPairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "atleast" element
addNewAtleast() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "atleast" element
addNewAtleast() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InstanceDocumentImpl.InstanceImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "atleast" element
addNewAtleast() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InstanceofDocumentImpl.InstanceofImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "atleast" element
addNewAtleast() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RoleConceptPairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "atleast" element
addNewAtleast() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.LanguageImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "atleast" element
addNewAtmost() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.AtmostDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "atmost" element
addNewAtmost() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Concept
Appends and returns a new empty "atmost" element
addNewAtmost() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ConceptPair
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "atmost" element
addNewAtmost() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Concepts
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "atmost" element
addNewAtmost() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InstanceDocument.Instance
Appends and returns a new empty "atmost" element
addNewAtmost() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InstanceofDocument.Instanceof
Appends and returns a new empty "atmost" element
addNewAtmost() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RoleConceptPair
Appends and returns a new empty "atmost" element
addNewAtmost() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Language
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "atmost" element
addNewAtmost() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AtmostDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "atmost" element
addNewAtmost() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "atmost" element
addNewAtmost() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptPairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "atmost" element
addNewAtmost() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "atmost" element
addNewAtmost() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InstanceDocumentImpl.InstanceImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "atmost" element
addNewAtmost() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InstanceofDocumentImpl.InstanceofImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "atmost" element
addNewAtmost() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RoleConceptPairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "atmost" element
addNewAtmost() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.LanguageImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "atmost" element
addNewAttribute() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.AttributeDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "attribute" element
addNewAttribute() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.AttributeType
Appends and returns a new empty "attribute" element
addNewAttribute() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ChainType
Appends and returns a new empty "attribute" element
addNewAttribute() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RelatedDocument.Related
Appends and returns a new empty "attribute" element
addNewAttribute() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RelatedIndividualsDocument.RelatedIndividuals
Appends and returns a new empty "attribute" element
addNewAttribute() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Role
Appends and returns a new empty "attribute" element
addNewAttribute() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RoleConceptPair
Appends and returns a new empty "attribute" element
addNewAttribute() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RoleFillersDocument.RoleFillers
Appends and returns a new empty "attribute" element
addNewAttribute() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RolePair
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "attribute" element
addNewAttribute() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Roles
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "attribute" element
addNewAttribute() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Language
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "attribute" element
addNewAttribute() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ToldValuesDocument.ToldValues
Appends and returns a new empty "attribute" element
addNewAttribute() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ValueDocument.Value
Appends and returns a new empty "attribute" element
addNewAttribute() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AttributeDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "attribute" element
addNewAttribute() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AttributeTypeImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "attribute" element
addNewAttribute() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ChainTypeImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "attribute" element
addNewAttribute() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RelatedDocumentImpl.RelatedImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "attribute" element
addNewAttribute() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RelatedIndividualsDocumentImpl.RelatedIndividualsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "attribute" element
addNewAttribute() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RoleConceptPairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "attribute" element
addNewAttribute() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RoleFillersDocumentImpl.RoleFillersImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "attribute" element
addNewAttribute() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RoleImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "attribute" element
addNewAttribute() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RolePairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "attribute" element
addNewAttribute() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RolesImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "attribute" element
addNewAttribute() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.LanguageImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "attribute" element
addNewAttribute() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ToldValuesDocumentImpl.ToldValuesImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "attribute" element
addNewAttribute() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ValueDocumentImpl.ValueImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "attribute" element
addNewBottom() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.BottomDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "bottom" element
addNewBottom() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Concept
Appends and returns a new empty "bottom" element
addNewBottom() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ConceptPair
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "bottom" element
addNewBottom() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Concepts
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "bottom" element
addNewBottom() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InstanceDocument.Instance
Appends and returns a new empty "bottom" element
addNewBottom() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InstanceofDocument.Instanceof
Appends and returns a new empty "bottom" element
addNewBottom() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RoleConceptPair
Appends and returns a new empty "bottom" element
addNewBottom() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Language
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "bottom" element
addNewBottom() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.BottomDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "bottom" element
addNewBottom() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "bottom" element
addNewBottom() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptPairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "bottom" element
addNewBottom() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "bottom" element
addNewBottom() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InstanceDocumentImpl.InstanceImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "bottom" element
addNewBottom() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InstanceofDocumentImpl.InstanceofImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "bottom" element
addNewBottom() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RoleConceptPairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "bottom" element
addNewBottom() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.LanguageImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "bottom" element
addNewCatom() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.CatomDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "catom" element
addNewCatom() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Concept
Appends and returns a new empty "catom" element
addNewCatom() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ConceptPair
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "catom" element
addNewCatom() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Concepts
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "catom" element
addNewCatom() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InstanceDocument.Instance
Appends and returns a new empty "catom" element
addNewCatom() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InstanceofDocument.Instanceof
Appends and returns a new empty "catom" element
addNewCatom() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RoleConceptPair
Appends and returns a new empty "catom" element
addNewCatom() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Language
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "catom" element
addNewCatom() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.CatomDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "catom" element
addNewCatom() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "catom" element
addNewCatom() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptPairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "catom" element
addNewCatom() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "catom" element
addNewCatom() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InstanceDocumentImpl.InstanceImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "catom" element
addNewCatom() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InstanceofDocumentImpl.InstanceofImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "catom" element
addNewCatom() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RoleConceptPairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "catom" element
addNewCatom() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.LanguageImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "catom" element
addNewChain() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.AttributeType
Appends and returns a new empty "chain" element
addNewChain() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ChainDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "chain" element
addNewChain() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RelatedDocument.Related
Appends and returns a new empty "chain" element
addNewChain() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RelatedIndividualsDocument.RelatedIndividuals
Appends and returns a new empty "chain" element
addNewChain() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Role
Appends and returns a new empty "chain" element
addNewChain() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RoleConceptPair
Appends and returns a new empty "chain" element
addNewChain() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RoleFillersDocument.RoleFillers
Appends and returns a new empty "chain" element
addNewChain() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RolePair
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "chain" element
addNewChain() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Roles
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "chain" element
addNewChain() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Language
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "chain" element
addNewChain() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ToldValuesDocument.ToldValues
Appends and returns a new empty "chain" element
addNewChain() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ValueDocument.Value
Appends and returns a new empty "chain" element
addNewChain() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AttributeTypeImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "chain" element
addNewChain() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ChainDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "chain" element
addNewChain() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RelatedDocumentImpl.RelatedImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "chain" element
addNewChain() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RelatedIndividualsDocumentImpl.RelatedIndividualsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "chain" element
addNewChain() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RoleConceptPairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "chain" element
addNewChain() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RoleFillersDocumentImpl.RoleFillersImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "chain" element
addNewChain() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RoleImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "chain" element
addNewChain() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RolePairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "chain" element
addNewChain() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RolesImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "chain" element
addNewChain() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.LanguageImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "chain" element
addNewChain() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ToldValuesDocumentImpl.ToldValuesImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "chain" element
addNewChain() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ValueDocumentImpl.ValueImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "chain" element
addNewChildren() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Ask
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "children" element
addNewChildren() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ChildrenDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "children" element
addNewChildren() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Ask
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "children" element
addNewChildren() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AskImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "children" element
addNewChildren() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ChildrenDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "children" element
addNewChildren() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.AskImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "children" element
addNewConceptSequence() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ConceptSequenceDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "conceptSequence" element
addNewConceptSequence() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptSequenceDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "conceptSequence" element
addNewConceptSet() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ConceptSetDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "conceptSet" element
addNewConceptSet() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ResponseType
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "conceptSet" element
addNewConceptSet() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptSetDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "conceptSet" element
addNewConceptSet() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ResponseTypeImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "conceptSet" element
addNewConcrete() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Language
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "concrete" element
addNewConcrete() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.LanguageImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "concrete" element
addNewDefattribute() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Axiom
Appends and returns a new empty "defattribute" element
addNewDefattribute() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Axioms
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "defattribute" element
addNewDefattribute() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.DefattributeDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "defattribute" element
addNewDefattribute() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Tell
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "defattribute" element
addNewDefattribute() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AxiomImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "defattribute" element
addNewDefattribute() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AxiomsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "defattribute" element
addNewDefattribute() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.DefattributeDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "defattribute" element
addNewDefattribute() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.TellImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "defattribute" element
addNewDefconcept() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Axiom
Appends and returns a new empty "defconcept" element
addNewDefconcept() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Axioms
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "defconcept" element
addNewDefconcept() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.DefconceptDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "defconcept" element
addNewDefconcept() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Tell
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "defconcept" element
addNewDefconcept() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AxiomImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "defconcept" element
addNewDefconcept() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AxiomsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "defconcept" element
addNewDefconcept() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.DefconceptDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "defconcept" element
addNewDefconcept() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.TellImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "defconcept" element
addNewDeffeature() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Axiom
Appends and returns a new empty "deffeature" element
addNewDeffeature() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Axioms
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "deffeature" element
addNewDeffeature() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.DeffeatureDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "deffeature" element
addNewDeffeature() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Tell
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "deffeature" element
addNewDeffeature() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AxiomImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "deffeature" element
addNewDeffeature() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AxiomsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "deffeature" element
addNewDeffeature() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.DeffeatureDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "deffeature" element
addNewDeffeature() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.TellImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "deffeature" element
addNewDefindividual() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Axiom
Appends and returns a new empty "defindividual" element
addNewDefindividual() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Axioms
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "defindividual" element
addNewDefindividual() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.DefindividualDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "defindividual" element
addNewDefindividual() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Tell
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "defindividual" element
addNewDefindividual() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AxiomImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "defindividual" element
addNewDefindividual() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AxiomsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "defindividual" element
addNewDefindividual() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.DefindividualDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "defindividual" element
addNewDefindividual() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.TellImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "defindividual" element
addNewDefined() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Concept
Appends and returns a new empty "defined" element
addNewDefined() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ConceptPair
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "defined" element
addNewDefined() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Concepts
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "defined" element
addNewDefined() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.DefinedDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "defined" element
addNewDefined() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InstanceDocument.Instance
Appends and returns a new empty "defined" element
addNewDefined() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InstanceofDocument.Instanceof
Appends and returns a new empty "defined" element
addNewDefined() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RoleConceptPair
Appends and returns a new empty "defined" element
addNewDefined() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Language
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "defined" element
addNewDefined() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "defined" element
addNewDefined() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptPairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "defined" element
addNewDefined() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "defined" element
addNewDefined() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.DefinedDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "defined" element
addNewDefined() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InstanceDocumentImpl.InstanceImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "defined" element
addNewDefined() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InstanceofDocumentImpl.InstanceofImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "defined" element
addNewDefined() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RoleConceptPairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "defined" element
addNewDefined() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.LanguageImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "defined" element
addNewDefrole() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Axiom
Appends and returns a new empty "defrole" element
addNewDefrole() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Axioms
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "defrole" element
addNewDefrole() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.DefroleDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "defrole" element
addNewDefrole() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Tell
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "defrole" element
addNewDefrole() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AxiomImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "defrole" element
addNewDefrole() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AxiomsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "defrole" element
addNewDefrole() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.DefroleDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "defrole" element
addNewDefrole() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.TellImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "defrole" element
addNewDescendants() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Ask
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "descendants" element
addNewDescendants() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.DescendantsDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "descendants" element
addNewDescendants() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Ask
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "descendants" element
addNewDescendants() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AskImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "descendants" element
addNewDescendants() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.DescendantsDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "descendants" element
addNewDescendants() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.AskImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "descendants" element
addNewDisjoint() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Ask
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "disjoint" element
addNewDisjoint() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Axiom
Appends and returns a new empty "disjoint" element
addNewDisjoint() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Axioms
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "disjoint" element
addNewDisjoint() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.DisjointDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "disjoint" element
addNewDisjoint() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Ask
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "disjoint" element
addNewDisjoint() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Tell
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "disjoint" element
addNewDisjoint() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AskImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "disjoint" element
addNewDisjoint() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AxiomImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "disjoint" element
addNewDisjoint() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AxiomsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "disjoint" element
addNewDisjoint() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.DisjointDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "disjoint" element
addNewDisjoint() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.AskImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "disjoint" element
addNewDisjoint() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.TellImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "disjoint" element
addNewDomain() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Axiom
Appends and returns a new empty "domain" element
addNewDomain() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Axioms
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "domain" element
addNewDomain() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.DomainDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "domain" element
addNewDomain() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Tell
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "domain" element
addNewDomain() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AxiomImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "domain" element
addNewDomain() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AxiomsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "domain" element
addNewDomain() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.DomainDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "domain" element
addNewDomain() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.TellImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "domain" element
addNewEqualc() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Axiom
Appends and returns a new empty "equalc" element
addNewEqualc() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Axioms
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "equalc" element
addNewEqualc() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.EqualcDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "equalc" element
addNewEqualc() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Tell
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "equalc" element
addNewEqualc() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AxiomImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "equalc" element
addNewEqualc() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AxiomsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "equalc" element
addNewEqualc() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.EqualcDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "equalc" element
addNewEqualc() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.TellImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "equalc" element
addNewEqualr() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Axiom
Appends and returns a new empty "equalr" element
addNewEqualr() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Axioms
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "equalr" element
addNewEqualr() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.EqualrDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "equalr" element
addNewEqualr() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Tell
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "equalr" element
addNewEqualr() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AxiomImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "equalr" element
addNewEqualr() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AxiomsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "equalr" element
addNewEqualr() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.EqualrDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "equalr" element
addNewEqualr() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.TellImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "equalr" element
addNewEquivalents() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Ask
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "equivalents" element
addNewEquivalents() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.EquivalentsDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "equivalents" element
addNewEquivalents() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Ask
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "equivalents" element
addNewEquivalents() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AskImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "equivalents" element
addNewEquivalents() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.EquivalentsDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "equivalents" element
addNewEquivalents() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.AskImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "equivalents" element
addNewError() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ErrorDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "error" element
addNewError() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.IdRespType
Appends and returns a new empty "error" element
addNewError() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ResponseType
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "error" element
addNewError() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ErrorDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "error" element
addNewError() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.IdRespTypeImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "error" element
addNewError() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ResponseTypeImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "error" element
addNewFalse() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ResponseType
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "false" element
addNewFalse() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ResponseTypeImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "false" element
addNewFeature() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ChainType
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "feature" element
addNewFeature() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.FeatureDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "feature" element
addNewFeature() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RelatedDocument.Related
Appends and returns a new empty "feature" element
addNewFeature() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RelatedIndividualsDocument.RelatedIndividuals
Appends and returns a new empty "feature" element
addNewFeature() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Role
Appends and returns a new empty "feature" element
addNewFeature() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RoleConceptPair
Appends and returns a new empty "feature" element
addNewFeature() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RoleFillersDocument.RoleFillers
Appends and returns a new empty "feature" element
addNewFeature() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RolePair
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "feature" element
addNewFeature() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Roles
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "feature" element
addNewFeature() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Language
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "feature" element
addNewFeature() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ChainTypeImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "feature" element
addNewFeature() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.FeatureDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "feature" element
addNewFeature() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RelatedDocumentImpl.RelatedImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "feature" element
addNewFeature() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RelatedIndividualsDocumentImpl.RelatedIndividualsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "feature" element
addNewFeature() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RoleConceptPairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "feature" element
addNewFeature() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RoleFillersDocumentImpl.RoleFillersImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "feature" element
addNewFeature() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RoleImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "feature" element
addNewFeature() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RolePairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "feature" element
addNewFeature() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RolesImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "feature" element
addNewFeature() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.LanguageImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "feature" element
addNewFunctional() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Axiom
Appends and returns a new empty "functional" element
addNewFunctional() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Axioms
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "functional" element
addNewFunctional() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.FunctionalDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "functional" element
addNewFunctional() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Tell
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "functional" element
addNewFunctional() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AxiomImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "functional" element
addNewFunctional() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AxiomsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "functional" element
addNewFunctional() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.FunctionalDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "functional" element
addNewFunctional() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.TellImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "functional" element
addNewGetIdentifier() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.GetIdentifierDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "getIdentifier" element
addNewGetIdentifier() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.GetIdentifierDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "getIdentifier" element
addNewIdentifier() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.IdentifierDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "identifier" element
addNewIdentifier() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.IdentifierDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "identifier" element
addNewImpliesc() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Axiom
Appends and returns a new empty "impliesc" element
addNewImpliesc() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Axioms
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "impliesc" element
addNewImpliesc() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ImpliescDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "impliesc" element
addNewImpliesc() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Tell
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "impliesc" element
addNewImpliesc() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AxiomImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "impliesc" element
addNewImpliesc() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AxiomsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "impliesc" element
addNewImpliesc() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ImpliescDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "impliesc" element
addNewImpliesc() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.TellImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "impliesc" element
addNewImpliesr() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Axiom
Appends and returns a new empty "impliesr" element
addNewImpliesr() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Axioms
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "impliesr" element
addNewImpliesr() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ImpliesrDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "impliesr" element
addNewImpliesr() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Tell
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "impliesr" element
addNewImpliesr() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AxiomImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "impliesr" element
addNewImpliesr() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AxiomsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "impliesr" element
addNewImpliesr() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ImpliesrDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "impliesr" element
addNewImpliesr() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.TellImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "impliesr" element
addNewIndividual() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.IndividualDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "individual" element
addNewIndividual() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.IndividualPairType
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "individual" element
addNewIndividual() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Individuals
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "individual" element
addNewIndividual() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InstanceDocument.Instance
Appends and returns a new empty "individual" element
addNewIndividual() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InstanceofDocument.Instanceof
Appends and returns a new empty "individual" element
addNewIndividual() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RelatedDocument.Related
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "individual" element
addNewIndividual() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RoleFillersDocument.RoleFillers
Appends and returns a new empty "individual" element
addNewIndividual() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Language
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "individual" element
addNewIndividual() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ToldValuesDocument.ToldValues
Appends and returns a new empty "individual" element
addNewIndividual() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.TypesDocument.Types
Appends and returns a new empty "individual" element
addNewIndividual() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ValueDocument.Value
Appends and returns a new empty "individual" element
addNewIndividual() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.IndividualDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "individual" element
addNewIndividual() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.IndividualPairTypeImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "individual" element
addNewIndividual() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.IndividualsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "individual" element
addNewIndividual() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InstanceDocumentImpl.InstanceImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "individual" element
addNewIndividual() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InstanceofDocumentImpl.InstanceofImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "individual" element
addNewIndividual() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RelatedDocumentImpl.RelatedImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "individual" element
addNewIndividual() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RoleFillersDocumentImpl.RoleFillersImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "individual" element
addNewIndividual() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.LanguageImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "individual" element
addNewIndividual() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ToldValuesDocumentImpl.ToldValuesImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "individual" element
addNewIndividual() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.TypesDocumentImpl.TypesImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "individual" element
addNewIndividual() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ValueDocumentImpl.ValueImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "individual" element
addNewIndividualPair() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.IndividualPairDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "individualPair" element
addNewIndividualPair() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.IndividualPairs
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "individualPair" element
addNewIndividualPair() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.IndividualPairDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "individualPair" element
addNewIndividualPair() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.IndividualPairsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "individualPair" element
addNewIndividualPairSet() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.IndividualPairSetDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "individualPairSet" element
addNewIndividualPairSet() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.IndividualPairSetDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "individualPairSet" element
addNewIndividualSet() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.IndividualSetDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "individualSet" element
addNewIndividualSet() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ResponseType
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "individualSet" element
addNewIndividualSet() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.IndividualSetDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "individualSet" element
addNewIndividualSet() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ResponseTypeImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "individualSet" element
addNewInstance() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Ask
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "instance" element
addNewInstance() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InstanceDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "instance" element
addNewInstance() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AskImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "instance" element
addNewInstance() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InstanceDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "instance" element
addNewInstanceof() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Axiom
Appends and returns a new empty "instanceof" element
addNewInstanceof() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Axioms
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "instanceof" element
addNewInstanceof() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InstanceofDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "instanceof" element
addNewInstanceof() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Tell
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "instanceof" element
addNewInstanceof() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AxiomImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "instanceof" element
addNewInstanceof() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AxiomsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "instanceof" element
addNewInstanceof() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InstanceofDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "instanceof" element
addNewInstanceof() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.TellImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "instanceof" element
addNewInstances() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Ask
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "instances" element
addNewInstances() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InstancesDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "instances" element
addNewInstances() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Ask
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "instances" element
addNewInstances() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AskImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "instances" element
addNewInstances() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InstancesDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "instances" element
addNewInstances() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.AskImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "instances" element
addNewIntequals() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Concept
Appends and returns a new empty "intequals" element
addNewIntequals() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ConceptPair
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "intequals" element
addNewIntequals() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Concepts
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "intequals" element
addNewIntequals() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InstanceDocument.Instance
Appends and returns a new empty "intequals" element
addNewIntequals() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InstanceofDocument.Instanceof
Appends and returns a new empty "intequals" element
addNewIntequals() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.IntequalsDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "intequals" element
addNewIntequals() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RoleConceptPair
Appends and returns a new empty "intequals" element
addNewIntequals() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Language
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "intequals" element
addNewIntequals() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "intequals" element
addNewIntequals() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptPairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "intequals" element
addNewIntequals() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "intequals" element
addNewIntequals() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InstanceDocumentImpl.InstanceImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "intequals" element
addNewIntequals() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InstanceofDocumentImpl.InstanceofImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "intequals" element
addNewIntequals() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.IntequalsDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "intequals" element
addNewIntequals() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RoleConceptPairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "intequals" element
addNewIntequals() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.LanguageImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "intequals" element
addNewIntmax() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Concept
Appends and returns a new empty "intmax" element
addNewIntmax() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ConceptPair
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "intmax" element
addNewIntmax() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Concepts
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "intmax" element
addNewIntmax() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InstanceDocument.Instance
Appends and returns a new empty "intmax" element
addNewIntmax() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InstanceofDocument.Instanceof
Appends and returns a new empty "intmax" element
addNewIntmax() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.IntmaxDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "intmax" element
addNewIntmax() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RoleConceptPair
Appends and returns a new empty "intmax" element
addNewIntmax() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Language
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "intmax" element
addNewIntmax() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "intmax" element
addNewIntmax() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptPairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "intmax" element
addNewIntmax() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "intmax" element
addNewIntmax() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InstanceDocumentImpl.InstanceImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "intmax" element
addNewIntmax() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InstanceofDocumentImpl.InstanceofImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "intmax" element
addNewIntmax() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.IntmaxDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "intmax" element
addNewIntmax() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RoleConceptPairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "intmax" element
addNewIntmax() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.LanguageImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "intmax" element
addNewIntmin() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Concept
Appends and returns a new empty "intmin" element
addNewIntmin() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ConceptPair
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "intmin" element
addNewIntmin() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Concepts
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "intmin" element
addNewIntmin() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InstanceDocument.Instance
Appends and returns a new empty "intmin" element
addNewIntmin() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InstanceofDocument.Instanceof
Appends and returns a new empty "intmin" element
addNewIntmin() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.IntminDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "intmin" element
addNewIntmin() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RoleConceptPair
Appends and returns a new empty "intmin" element
addNewIntmin() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Language
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "intmin" element
addNewIntmin() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "intmin" element
addNewIntmin() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptPairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "intmin" element
addNewIntmin() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "intmin" element
addNewIntmin() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InstanceDocumentImpl.InstanceImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "intmin" element
addNewIntmin() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InstanceofDocumentImpl.InstanceofImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "intmin" element
addNewIntmin() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.IntminDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "intmin" element
addNewIntmin() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RoleConceptPairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "intmin" element
addNewIntmin() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.LanguageImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "intmin" element
addNewIntrange() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Concept
Appends and returns a new empty "intrange" element
addNewIntrange() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ConceptPair
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "intrange" element
addNewIntrange() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Concepts
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "intrange" element
addNewIntrange() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InstanceDocument.Instance
Appends and returns a new empty "intrange" element
addNewIntrange() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InstanceofDocument.Instanceof
Appends and returns a new empty "intrange" element
addNewIntrange() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.IntrangeDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "intrange" element
addNewIntrange() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RoleConceptPair
Appends and returns a new empty "intrange" element
addNewIntrange() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Language
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "intrange" element
addNewIntrange() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "intrange" element
addNewIntrange() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptPairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "intrange" element
addNewIntrange() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "intrange" element
addNewIntrange() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InstanceDocumentImpl.InstanceImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "intrange" element
addNewIntrange() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InstanceofDocumentImpl.InstanceofImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "intrange" element
addNewIntrange() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.IntrangeDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "intrange" element
addNewIntrange() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RoleConceptPairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "intrange" element
addNewIntrange() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.LanguageImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "intrange" element
addNewInverse() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InverseDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "inverse" element
addNewInverse() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RelatedDocument.Related
Appends and returns a new empty "inverse" element
addNewInverse() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RelatedIndividualsDocument.RelatedIndividuals
Appends and returns a new empty "inverse" element
addNewInverse() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Role
Appends and returns a new empty "inverse" element
addNewInverse() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RoleConceptPair
Appends and returns a new empty "inverse" element
addNewInverse() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RoleFillersDocument.RoleFillers
Appends and returns a new empty "inverse" element
addNewInverse() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RolePair
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "inverse" element
addNewInverse() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Roles
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "inverse" element
addNewInverse() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Language
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "inverse" element
addNewInverse() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InverseDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "inverse" element
addNewInverse() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RelatedDocumentImpl.RelatedImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "inverse" element
addNewInverse() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RelatedIndividualsDocumentImpl.RelatedIndividualsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "inverse" element
addNewInverse() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RoleConceptPairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "inverse" element
addNewInverse() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RoleFillersDocumentImpl.RoleFillersImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "inverse" element
addNewInverse() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RoleImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "inverse" element
addNewInverse() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RolePairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "inverse" element
addNewInverse() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RolesImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "inverse" element
addNewInverse() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.LanguageImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "inverse" element
addNewIset() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Concept
Appends and returns a new empty "iset" element
addNewIset() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ConceptPair
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "iset" element
addNewIset() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Concepts
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "iset" element
addNewIset() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InstanceDocument.Instance
Appends and returns a new empty "iset" element
addNewIset() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InstanceofDocument.Instanceof
Appends and returns a new empty "iset" element
addNewIset() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.IsetDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "iset" element
addNewIset() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RoleConceptPair
Appends and returns a new empty "iset" element
addNewIset() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Language
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "iset" element
addNewIset() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "iset" element
addNewIset() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptPairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "iset" element
addNewIset() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "iset" element
addNewIset() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InstanceDocumentImpl.InstanceImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "iset" element
addNewIset() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InstanceofDocumentImpl.InstanceofImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "iset" element
addNewIset() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.IsetDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "iset" element
addNewIset() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RoleConceptPairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "iset" element
addNewIset() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.LanguageImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "iset" element
addNewIval() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ResponseType
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "ival" element
addNewIval() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ResponseTypeImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "ival" element
addNewKb() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.IdRespType
Appends and returns a new empty "kb" element
addNewKb() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.KbDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "kb" element
addNewKb() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.IdRespTypeImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "kb" element
addNewKb() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.KbDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "kb" element
addNewLanguage() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType
Appends and returns a new empty "language" element
addNewLanguage() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "language" element
addNewNewKB() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.NewKBDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "newKB" element
addNewNewKB() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.NewKBDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "newKB" element
addNewNot() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Concept
Appends and returns a new empty "not" element
addNewNot() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ConceptPair
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "not" element
addNewNot() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Concepts
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "not" element
addNewNot() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InstanceDocument.Instance
Appends and returns a new empty "not" element
addNewNot() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InstanceofDocument.Instanceof
Appends and returns a new empty "not" element
addNewNot() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.NotDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "not" element
addNewNot() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RoleConceptPair
Appends and returns a new empty "not" element
addNewNot() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Language
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "not" element
addNewNot() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "not" element
addNewNot() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptPairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "not" element
addNewNot() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "not" element
addNewNot() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InstanceDocumentImpl.InstanceImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "not" element
addNewNot() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InstanceofDocumentImpl.InstanceofImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "not" element
addNewNot() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.NotDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "not" element
addNewNot() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RoleConceptPairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "not" element
addNewNot() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.LanguageImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "not" element
addNewOk() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.IdRespType
Appends and returns a new empty "ok" element
addNewOk() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.OkDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "ok" element
addNewOk() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.IdRespTypeImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "ok" element
addNewOk() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.OkDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "ok" element
addNewOr() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Concept
Appends and returns a new empty "or" element
addNewOr() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ConceptPair
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "or" element
addNewOr() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Concepts
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "or" element
addNewOr() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InstanceDocument.Instance
Appends and returns a new empty "or" element
addNewOr() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InstanceofDocument.Instanceof
Appends and returns a new empty "or" element
addNewOr() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.OrDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "or" element
addNewOr() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RoleConceptPair
Appends and returns a new empty "or" element
addNewOr() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Language
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "or" element
addNewOr() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "or" element
addNewOr() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptPairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "or" element
addNewOr() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "or" element
addNewOr() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InstanceDocumentImpl.InstanceImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "or" element
addNewOr() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InstanceofDocumentImpl.InstanceofImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "or" element
addNewOr() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.OrDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "or" element
addNewOr() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RoleConceptPairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "or" element
addNewOr() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.LanguageImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "or" element
addNewParents() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Ask
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "parents" element
addNewParents() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ParentsDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "parents" element
addNewParents() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Ask
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "parents" element
addNewParents() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AskImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "parents" element
addNewParents() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ParentsDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "parents" element
addNewParents() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.AskImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "parents" element
addNewRancestors() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Ask
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "rancestors" element
addNewRancestors() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RancestorsDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "rancestors" element
addNewRancestors() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Ask
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "rancestors" element
addNewRancestors() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AskImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "rancestors" element
addNewRancestors() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RancestorsDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "rancestors" element
addNewRancestors() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.AskImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "rancestors" element
addNewRange() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Axiom
Appends and returns a new empty "range" element
addNewRange() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Axioms
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "range" element
addNewRange() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RangeDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "range" element
addNewRange() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Tell
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "range" element
addNewRange() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AxiomImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "range" element
addNewRange() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AxiomsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "range" element
addNewRange() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RangeDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "range" element
addNewRange() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.TellImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "range" element
addNewRangeint() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Axiom
Appends and returns a new empty "rangeint" element
addNewRangeint() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Axioms
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "rangeint" element
addNewRangeint() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RangeintDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "rangeint" element
addNewRangeint() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Tell
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "rangeint" element
addNewRangeint() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AxiomImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "rangeint" element
addNewRangeint() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AxiomsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "rangeint" element
addNewRangeint() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RangeintDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "rangeint" element
addNewRangeint() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.TellImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "rangeint" element
addNewRangestring() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Axiom
Appends and returns a new empty "rangestring" element
addNewRangestring() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Axioms
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "rangestring" element
addNewRangestring() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RangestringDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "rangestring" element
addNewRangestring() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Tell
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "rangestring" element
addNewRangestring() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AxiomImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "rangestring" element
addNewRangestring() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AxiomsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "rangestring" element
addNewRangestring() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RangestringDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "rangestring" element
addNewRangestring() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.TellImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "rangestring" element
addNewRatom() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RatomDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "ratom" element
addNewRatom() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RelatedDocument.Related
Appends and returns a new empty "ratom" element
addNewRatom() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RelatedIndividualsDocument.RelatedIndividuals
Appends and returns a new empty "ratom" element
addNewRatom() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Role
Appends and returns a new empty "ratom" element
addNewRatom() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RoleConceptPair
Appends and returns a new empty "ratom" element
addNewRatom() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RoleFillersDocument.RoleFillers
Appends and returns a new empty "ratom" element
addNewRatom() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RolePair
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "ratom" element
addNewRatom() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Roles
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "ratom" element
addNewRatom() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Language
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "ratom" element
addNewRatom() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RatomDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "ratom" element
addNewRatom() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RelatedDocumentImpl.RelatedImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "ratom" element
addNewRatom() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RelatedIndividualsDocumentImpl.RelatedIndividualsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "ratom" element
addNewRatom() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RoleConceptPairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "ratom" element
addNewRatom() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RoleFillersDocumentImpl.RoleFillersImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "ratom" element
addNewRatom() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RoleImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "ratom" element
addNewRatom() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RolePairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "ratom" element
addNewRatom() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RolesImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "ratom" element
addNewRatom() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.LanguageImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "ratom" element
addNewRchildren() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Ask
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "rchildren" element
addNewRchildren() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RchildrenDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "rchildren" element
addNewRchildren() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Ask
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "rchildren" element
addNewRchildren() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AskImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "rchildren" element
addNewRchildren() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RchildrenDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "rchildren" element
addNewRchildren() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.AskImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "rchildren" element
addNewRdescendants() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Ask
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "rdescendants" element
addNewRdescendants() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RdescendantsDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "rdescendants" element
addNewRdescendants() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Ask
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "rdescendants" element
addNewRdescendants() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AskImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "rdescendants" element
addNewRdescendants() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RdescendantsDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "rdescendants" element
addNewRdescendants() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.AskImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "rdescendants" element
addNewRelated() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Axiom
Appends and returns a new empty "related" element
addNewRelated() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Axioms
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "related" element
addNewRelated() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RelatedDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "related" element
addNewRelated() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Tell
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "related" element
addNewRelated() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AxiomImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "related" element
addNewRelated() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AxiomsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "related" element
addNewRelated() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RelatedDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "related" element
addNewRelated() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.TellImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "related" element
addNewRelatedIndividuals() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Ask
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "relatedIndividuals" element
addNewRelatedIndividuals() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RelatedIndividualsDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "relatedIndividuals" element
addNewRelatedIndividuals() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Ask
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "relatedIndividuals" element
addNewRelatedIndividuals() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AskImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "relatedIndividuals" element
addNewRelatedIndividuals() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RelatedIndividualsDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "relatedIndividuals" element
addNewRelatedIndividuals() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.AskImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "relatedIndividuals" element
addNewReleaseKB() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ReleaseKBDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "releaseKB" element
addNewReleaseKB() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ReleaseKBDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "releaseKB" element
addNewResponse() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ResponseDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "response" element
addNewResponse() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ResponseDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "response" element
addNewResponses() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ResponsesDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "responses" element
addNewResponses() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ResponsesDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "responses" element
addNewRoleFillers() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Ask
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "roleFillers" element
addNewRoleFillers() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RoleFillersDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "roleFillers" element
addNewRoleFillers() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Ask
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "roleFillers" element
addNewRoleFillers() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AskImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "roleFillers" element
addNewRoleFillers() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RoleFillersDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "roleFillers" element
addNewRoleFillers() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.AskImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "roleFillers" element
addNewRoleSet() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ResponseType
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "roleSet" element
addNewRoleSet() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RoleSetDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "roleSet" element
addNewRoleSet() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ResponseTypeImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "roleSet" element
addNewRoleSet() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RoleSetDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "roleSet" element
addNewRparents() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Ask
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "rparents" element
addNewRparents() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RparentsDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "rparents" element
addNewRparents() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Ask
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "rparents" element
addNewRparents() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AskImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "rparents" element
addNewRparents() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RparentsDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "rparents" element
addNewRparents() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.AskImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "rparents" element
addNewSatisfiable() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Ask
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "satisfiable" element
addNewSatisfiable() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SatisfiableDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "satisfiable" element
addNewSatisfiable() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Ask
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "satisfiable" element
addNewSatisfiable() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AskImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "satisfiable" element
addNewSatisfiable() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SatisfiableDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "satisfiable" element
addNewSatisfiable() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.AskImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "satisfiable" element
addNewSome() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Concept
Appends and returns a new empty "some" element
addNewSome() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ConceptPair
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "some" element
addNewSome() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Concepts
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "some" element
addNewSome() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InstanceDocument.Instance
Appends and returns a new empty "some" element
addNewSome() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InstanceofDocument.Instanceof
Appends and returns a new empty "some" element
addNewSome() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RoleConceptPair
Appends and returns a new empty "some" element
addNewSome() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SomeDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "some" element
addNewSome() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Language
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "some" element
addNewSome() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "some" element
addNewSome() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptPairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "some" element
addNewSome() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "some" element
addNewSome() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InstanceDocumentImpl.InstanceImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "some" element
addNewSome() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InstanceofDocumentImpl.InstanceofImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "some" element
addNewSome() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RoleConceptPairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "some" element
addNewSome() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SomeDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "some" element
addNewSome() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.LanguageImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "some" element
addNewStringequals() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Concept
Appends and returns a new empty "stringequals" element
addNewStringequals() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ConceptPair
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "stringequals" element
addNewStringequals() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Concepts
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "stringequals" element
addNewStringequals() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InstanceDocument.Instance
Appends and returns a new empty "stringequals" element
addNewStringequals() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InstanceofDocument.Instanceof
Appends and returns a new empty "stringequals" element
addNewStringequals() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RoleConceptPair
Appends and returns a new empty "stringequals" element
addNewStringequals() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.StringequalsDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "stringequals" element
addNewStringequals() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Language
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "stringequals" element
addNewStringequals() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "stringequals" element
addNewStringequals() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptPairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "stringequals" element
addNewStringequals() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "stringequals" element
addNewStringequals() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InstanceDocumentImpl.InstanceImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "stringequals" element
addNewStringequals() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InstanceofDocumentImpl.InstanceofImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "stringequals" element
addNewStringequals() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RoleConceptPairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "stringequals" element
addNewStringequals() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.StringequalsDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "stringequals" element
addNewStringequals() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.LanguageImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "stringequals" element
addNewStringmax() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Concept
Appends and returns a new empty "stringmax" element
addNewStringmax() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ConceptPair
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "stringmax" element
addNewStringmax() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Concepts
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "stringmax" element
addNewStringmax() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InstanceDocument.Instance
Appends and returns a new empty "stringmax" element
addNewStringmax() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InstanceofDocument.Instanceof
Appends and returns a new empty "stringmax" element
addNewStringmax() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RoleConceptPair
Appends and returns a new empty "stringmax" element
addNewStringmax() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.StringmaxDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "stringmax" element
addNewStringmax() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "stringmax" element
addNewStringmax() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptPairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "stringmax" element
addNewStringmax() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "stringmax" element
addNewStringmax() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InstanceDocumentImpl.InstanceImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "stringmax" element
addNewStringmax() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InstanceofDocumentImpl.InstanceofImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "stringmax" element
addNewStringmax() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RoleConceptPairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "stringmax" element
addNewStringmax() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.StringmaxDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "stringmax" element
addNewStringmin() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Concept
Appends and returns a new empty "stringmin" element
addNewStringmin() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ConceptPair
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "stringmin" element
addNewStringmin() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Concepts
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "stringmin" element
addNewStringmin() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InstanceDocument.Instance
Appends and returns a new empty "stringmin" element
addNewStringmin() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InstanceofDocument.Instanceof
Appends and returns a new empty "stringmin" element
addNewStringmin() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RoleConceptPair
Appends and returns a new empty "stringmin" element
addNewStringmin() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.StringminDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "stringmin" element
addNewStringmin() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "stringmin" element
addNewStringmin() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptPairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "stringmin" element
addNewStringmin() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "stringmin" element
addNewStringmin() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InstanceDocumentImpl.InstanceImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "stringmin" element
addNewStringmin() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InstanceofDocumentImpl.InstanceofImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "stringmin" element
addNewStringmin() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RoleConceptPairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "stringmin" element
addNewStringmin() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.StringminDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "stringmin" element
addNewStringrange() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Concept
Appends and returns a new empty "stringrange" element
addNewStringrange() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ConceptPair
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "stringrange" element
addNewStringrange() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Concepts
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "stringrange" element
addNewStringrange() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InstanceDocument.Instance
Appends and returns a new empty "stringrange" element
addNewStringrange() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InstanceofDocument.Instanceof
Appends and returns a new empty "stringrange" element
addNewStringrange() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RoleConceptPair
Appends and returns a new empty "stringrange" element
addNewStringrange() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.StringrangeDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "stringrange" element
addNewStringrange() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "stringrange" element
addNewStringrange() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptPairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "stringrange" element
addNewStringrange() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "stringrange" element
addNewStringrange() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InstanceDocumentImpl.InstanceImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "stringrange" element
addNewStringrange() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InstanceofDocumentImpl.InstanceofImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "stringrange" element
addNewStringrange() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RoleConceptPairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "stringrange" element
addNewStringrange() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.StringrangeDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "stringrange" element
addNewSubsumes() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Ask
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "subsumes" element
addNewSubsumes() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SubsumesDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "subsumes" element
addNewSubsumes() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Ask
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "subsumes" element
addNewSubsumes() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AskImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "subsumes" element
addNewSubsumes() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SubsumesDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "subsumes" element
addNewSubsumes() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.AskImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "subsumes" element
addNewSupports() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.IdentifierDocument.Identifier
Appends and returns a new empty "supports" element
addNewSupports() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.IdentifierDocumentImpl.IdentifierImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "supports" element
addNewSval() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ResponseType
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "sval" element
addNewSval() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ResponseTypeImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "sval" element
addNewSynonyms() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Csynonyms
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "synonyms" element
addNewSynonyms() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Rsynonyms
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "synonyms" element
addNewSynonyms() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.CsynonymsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "synonyms" element
addNewSynonyms() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RsynonymsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "synonyms" element
addNewTell() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType
Appends and returns a new empty "tell" element
addNewTell() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "tell" element
addNewTells() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.TellsDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "tells" element
addNewTells() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.TellsDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "tells" element
addNewToldValues() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Ask
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "toldValues" element
addNewToldValues() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ToldValuesDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "toldValues" element
addNewToldValues() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AskImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "toldValues" element
addNewToldValues() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ToldValuesDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "toldValues" element
addNewTop() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Concept
Appends and returns a new empty "top" element
addNewTop() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ConceptPair
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "top" element
addNewTop() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Concepts
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "top" element
addNewTop() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InstanceDocument.Instance
Appends and returns a new empty "top" element
addNewTop() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.InstanceofDocument.Instanceof
Appends and returns a new empty "top" element
addNewTop() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.RoleConceptPair
Appends and returns a new empty "top" element
addNewTop() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Language
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "top" element
addNewTop() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.TopDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "top" element
addNewTop() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "top" element
addNewTop() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptPairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "top" element
addNewTop() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ConceptsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "top" element
addNewTop() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InstanceDocumentImpl.InstanceImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "top" element
addNewTop() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.InstanceofDocumentImpl.InstanceofImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "top" element
addNewTop() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.RoleConceptPairImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "top" element
addNewTop() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.LanguageImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "top" element
addNewTop() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.TopDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "top" element
addNewTransitive() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Axiom
Appends and returns a new empty "transitive" element
addNewTransitive() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Axioms
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "transitive" element
addNewTransitive() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Tell
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "transitive" element
addNewTransitive() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.TransitiveDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "transitive" element
addNewTransitive() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AxiomImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "transitive" element
addNewTransitive() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AxiomsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "transitive" element
addNewTransitive() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.TellImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "transitive" element
addNewTransitive() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.TransitiveDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "transitive" element
addNewTrue() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ResponseType
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "true" element
addNewTrue() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ResponseTypeImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "true" element
addNewTypes() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Ask
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "types" element
addNewTypes() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.TypesDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "types" element
addNewTypes() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.AskImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "types" element
addNewTypes() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.TypesDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "types" element
addNewUniqueNameAssumption() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType
Appends and returns a new empty "uniqueNameAssumption" element
addNewUniqueNameAssumption() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "uniqueNameAssumption" element
addNewValue() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Axiom
Appends and returns a new empty "value" element
addNewValue() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.Axioms
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "value" element
addNewValue() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Tell
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "value" element
addNewValue() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.ValueDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "value" element
addNewValue() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AxiomImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "value" element
addNewValue() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.AxiomsImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "value" element
addNewValue() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.TellImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "value" element
addNewValue() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.ValueDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "value" element
addNewValues() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.SupportsType.Ask
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "values" element
addNewValues() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.SupportsTypeImpl.AskImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "values" element
addNewWarning() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.OkDocument.Ok
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "warning" element
addNewWarning() - Method in interface org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.WarningDocument
Appends and returns a new empty "warning" element
addNewWarning() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.OkDocumentImpl.OkImpl
Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "warning" element
addNewWarning() - Method in class org.kr.dl.dig.v1_1.impl.WarningDocumentImpl
Appends and returns a new empty "warning" element

DIG 1.1 XMLBeans API, April 22, 2004 (05:20 PM)